Harrys Hogwarts

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Remember to visit the Message Board, its where all the fun is! Notice: Mikey2Soccer@yahoo.com is going to be offline for three weeks. I will be in charge of the web site and the message board. You can e-mail me at billsdushane@msn.com if you have a problem, suggestion or want to go to Diagon Alley.

None of them are currently available. Send emails to mr_frufru@hotmail.com instead.

You have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

It has been only two years since Lord Voldemort has disappeared. Harry is still just a small child and doesn't know anything about the Wizarding world but that is not your case, you are a first year at Hogwarts.

Please check the rules page before joining. Tell your friends about the site for even more RPG fun! For those of you who don't know what a rpg is here is the scoop: an RPG is short for Role Playing Game, in a RPG you assume the role of a fictional character in a popular setting. Here you make up a charecter for Hogwarts. To get the full experience email me every so often with role-plays. A role-play is just a scene in words of what you do, assuming the role of your charecter. For example:

Dumbledore walks up to a statue, vaguely aware of what is going on around him. "Lemoncream," he mutters under his breath. The statue rotates and reveals a spiraling staircase. He walks up the stairs, torches flickering on either side of him. He walks forward towards an old fashion desk, strokes Fawkes the Phoenix, and sits down. In his mind Dumbledore thinks of what just happened. A shiver ran down his back.

Email me at Mikey2Soccer@yahoo.com mr_frufru@hotmail.com

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